Three VIP Tours of Gatwick Airport to win!
in aid of SASH Hospital Charity (for Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust)
Sponsored by Gatwick Airport
Who you’ll support
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust (SASH) is the NHS hospital trust serving Gatwick airport, and surrounding areas, and SASH Charity is the airport’s official charity partner. The NHS Trust provides urgent and planned care for over half a million people in Surrey and Sussex, as well as being the main emergency hospital for the airport. Its services at East Surrey Hospital, Crawley and Horsham Hospitals and in the community provide care for people from before birth to the end of life. In the past year the Trust has been on the front line of caring for people with COVID-19.
Your donations to SASH Charity through this raffle will help the hospital staff go above and beyond for patients in hospital, as well as helping support the welfare of NHS staff at Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust through providing new rest areas, facilities or services.
Find out more at or by following @sashcharity on social media.
Thank you!
A huge thank you to Gatwick Airport who have generously sponsored this charity raffle to help raise funds for the SASH Hospital Charity. With their generosity, all income from this raffle will go directly to the SASH Hospital charity.
Congratulations to our winners!
And thank you to everyone who entered and supported the SASH Hospital Charity.
1. Take a walk over the pier 6 bridge
You and a friend will walk the walk, over the top of the iconic bridge big enough a Boeing 747 can fit under it.
Winner – entry number 1516, Gary Wright
2. A tour of Gatwick Fire Station
You and a friend will go airside and tour the world-class Gatwick Fire Station, who lead the way in aviation emergency response.
Winner – entry number 1306, Jamie Sweetland
3. A tour of Gatwick Airfield
You and a friend will tour the airfield that saw 46 million passengers in 2019, from 200 different destinations.
Winner – entry number 1517, Valerie Paton
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